Sunday, February 15, 2009

Missing the Mustard Seed

I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I zoned out at church today.

I didn't mean to. I had the pew pencil in my hand so I could take notes and even managed to scribble down something about government being created to combat anarchy and distribute wealth. See? I was totally primed to get something out of this morning's sermon at Bel Air Pres!

But then the pastor started talking about some rulers from the eleventh century (or was it the seventh?) and my stomach started rumbling, and before I knew it I was fantasizing about the quiche I was going to get with my mom for lunch after church. I managed to get my head back in the game when we were asked to turn our Bibles to Matthew 3:31, and I confidently chimed in with the rest of the congregation as we read about how a great big tree with lots of branches can grow from just a tiny mustard seed. (Point being - just a little bit of faith or a little good deed can reap great things.)

"Okay," I thought, "this is good -- I can relate to this parable."

Happy that the pastor was quoting the New Testament and the always entertaining Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, I was back at full attention. Or at least I was until he started up with the First Crusades and read us some propaganda that was circulated about the Muslims during that time. Suddenly, my focus went AWOL again.

I was eager to leave the church as soon as the service ended so that I could get started on my hour drive down to Orange County, but I knew I'd have to go to the bathroom before I began my trek down the 405. I contemplated going before the sermon ended so I wouldn't have to go after and get stuck in all the crazy parking lot traffic, but I didn't want to be the "Excuse me, pardon me, can I just get by?" girl who makes everyone move during the pivotal moment of spiritual enlightenment. I might not be getting anything out of the sermon, but that didn't mean that my pew friends weren't!

Before I knew it, the pastor was wrapping things up, and TJ and the band were heading back on stage.

"That's it?" I thought. "But wait! I didn't get anything out of that! I already knew about the mustard seed!"

My silent protests were futile -- it was too late. I'd missed the boat, missed the message and missed out on an opportunity to grow a wee bit closer to God. Yes, it was just one sermon out of the 52 I hear every year, but it still could have been a mustard seed for some sort of action in my life. While I'm not a ruler and am not living in anarchy, there is still loads of anarchy going on in my head!

So here I am. At home in OC, wondering what it was that Pastor Mark Brewer said when I was so busy worrying about getting to that quiche and my mom as quickly as possible. The quiche was good, but it would have been just as good if I'd eaten five minutes later. In the grand scheme of my life, it was inconsequential. I ate it, it was satisfying, and then it was gone. God's word is never gone. It is a living word that never passes away, and like that little mustard seed, can grow into something truly magnificent.

Next week, I'll be listening. And I'll be sure to eat a bigger breakfast.

1 comment:

Cafe Pasadena said...

Do I understand you live in Orange County but come up to WLA for church??